Floyd Training Center’s Supported Employment program also offers a combination of group and individual supports to individuals with developmental disabilities. Our purpose is to provide support, training, and encouragement to those wanting to become gainfully employed in the community. We have fostered several partnerships with businesses in the community to provide more opportunity to those interested in employment. We also maintain a contract with Vocational Rehabilitation.
Supported Employment Group (SEG) services is provided in a group and has a required 1:10 staff ratio. Individuals receiving this service are working at various job sites with their job coach and make at least minimum wage. We have several SEG job sites which include Floyd Medical Center, Center for Independent Living, Garner & Glover, Harbor House, Doug’s Deli, CPA, and Sexual Assault Center. This service creates an opportunity to help maintain employment and build skills necessary to obtain independent employment in the community.
Supported Employment Individual (SEI) services is provided with a staff ratio of 1:1 in the community. FTC provides a job coach to help work with the employer and individual to identify support needed and additional training to maintain employment in the community. Individuals in this service have an independent job in the community and need less support than those in the SEG program. FTC has created partnerships with the following companies Georgia Dog Gym, Darlington Schools, Doug’s Deli, Kroger, Toyota, and Shorter University.